Saturday, July 13, 2013

Why I love rereleases, also why I never go see rereleases

Rereleases are amazing! But I never go see them. In all of the posters above there is one thing in common they all are in 3D and IMAX 3D. The price of the tickets are elevated higher and higher just to see these classics, which in my opinion is too much to see again. However at some times they're awesome because you can see the best movies ever made again on the big screen. Or if your children haven't seen the classics, you can introduce them to the old works that were once huge hits. Of course this and the elevated ticket price affect my decision to go see them. Usually I decide not to go,but on the occasion there is a good movie that I love and want to see on a larger screen other then my television, I will go to the movies to see it. Some movies deserve the big screen treatment more then once but can they stand the test of time. Films like Monsters Inc. and Top Gun do not need to be rereleased because they don't have the 3D material to act on. studios need to get movies that may actually pop out to the audience like Jurassic Park and the end of Titanic. Let's hope for better releases. Upcoming rereleases include the Wizard of Oz and The Little Mermaid 3D. 

Do you go to see rereleases? Which movies do you want to get rereleased? Comment below and follow me on this very blog, Blogbuster411, Bookmark this page for future movie and television pleasures. Wizard of Oz will be rereleased in September, and Little Mermaid is set for late this year. Star Wars II and III were postponed till next year or late 2015.

The Film Scientist

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