Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Siberia series premiere review

Last night the fake real reality show premiered on NBC. The show provided the feel of a reality series,but did not capitalize on the horror subject until the last ten minutes of the episode. Although the episode felt real you could clearly tell that it was scripted.  There were moments where you saw stereotyped characters, they should not tell the audience this is scripted it would provide more thrills. For some reason I am not as attached to the idea anymore. This pilot episode did not turn me off but it is now not a priority of mine to see.  
Some characters that are apart of this fake reality show would most likely would not be picked because of physical or mental health. Nice job NBC for coming up with this idea but you could of handled it way better.

The Verdict: Although the pilot does not include as many thrills promised in the TV spots, the show is still entertaining despite being a fake reality show. 6/10
+Unknown,but interesting actors
+A couple of thrills
-Not as thrilling as promised
-Stereotyped characters
-Could have been handled better
-Shaky cam

Did you watch Siberia? Comment below and follow me on this blog, Blogbuster411.

The Film Scientist

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