Saturday, July 13, 2013

Netflix's Orange is the New Black Season 1 Review (Small spoilers!)

After the first episode of Orange is the New Black realized this could be a potential hit. The show preformed well in the pilot episode so I decided I'd wait. A few hours later I found myself stuck in front of me television binging on the new series. By the time it was one AM I had watched two or three episodes,so I went to bed resting on the shows great cliffhangers and plots. Today I finished the rest of the episodes finishing the entire first season. I was right in the fact it would be a hit,because I could sense excellent writing,chemistry,and acting between the large cast. There are characters that you love at first and begin to hate when you go deeper into their lives,but it also works vice versa with other characters like Alex. The series contains a plethora of language and nudity,but also a great story along with it. Just when you think everything is great the writers change it on you leaving you and the rest of the audience at a cliffhanger,especially in the final episode. Although it is a late candidate it could make the next Emmy's along with two other Netflix series, House of Cards and Arrested Development. Orange is the New Black challenges the way  people think and what they do while also proving that living in prison is hard. Although the season was only released yesterday I'm(Or for you two days ago) already excited to see what's in store for season 2.

The Verdict: Season 1 of this Summer's hit show is crazy, outstanding,and amazingly acted and well written. 9.5/10
+Acting by Taylor Schilling and Laura Prepon are above par
+Great chemistry and drama between inmates,and employees
+Often times unexpected and unpredictable
+Drama in prison!
+Interesting,crazy,and hilarious characters
+Multiple storylines and cliffhangers in episodes
+/-Episode 1 started off slow,but introduced the characters well enough to give off wrong impressions

Will you watch Orange is the New Black? Comment below and follow me on this excellent blog, Blogbuster411, Orange is the New Black is now available on Netflix.

The Film Scientist

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