Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How many trilogies of Star Wars will be made?

After the prequels for Star Wars, everyone thought that would be the end. As of Disney's acquisition last October it seems they are making a sequel trilogy to the original. This gave fans mixed emotions. However with Star Wars being financial gold, Disney may not stop there. They're already planning spin offs and video games for the famed property. I ask the question how many trilogies and movies will be made. If Disney succeeds with all of the Star Wars merchandise, there will be a movie every other year. There's no doubt about it. Disney overall may make tons of trilogies. In my opinion if they are good keep making them but if they aren't then don't. Disney is known to not always follow this trend with their live action films, like Pirates of the Caribbean. However, the direction they are going the Star Wars universe may end up being eternal.

Do you think they'll make more then one new Star Wars trilogy? Comment below and follow me on the blog, Blogbuster411. Star Wars VII has a TBA 2015 release date.

The Film Scientist.

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