Monday, July 29, 2013

Doctor Who Series 7 review and 50th/8th series speculation (Major Spoilers!)

I'm gonna start by saying if it weren't for a few episodes this season I would say this was the weakest of Doctor Who yet. But I consider Series 2 to be the weakest so. Let's get on with the review! So the season started off okay with the Christmas special, which I had no precise care for. I liked the chemistry as well as the mystery about the husband. However after I was surprised to find that Amy and Rory had split. The Asylum of the Daleks pretty much changes a lot because the Doctor is now unknown to them. Other then these two episodes it went a little downhill. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and Power of Three failed despite the potential. A Town Called Mercy I liked but many audience members didn't. Angels take Manhattan was a fitting end to the Amy and Rory story, it saddened me but I felt life had to go on. As for Part 2 and the second Christmas special, (which I binged watched today) they were good. The best by far being The Name of the Doctor, Cold War,and Hide. The other episodes fell short, but many had great moments leading to the escalated finale and lead up to the 50th. This means Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS. Others fell flat but I loved the speech during The Rings of Akhaten which made me cry and the wonder in The Bells of Saint John. The two other episodes Nightmare in Silver and Crimson Horror were just okay, Crimson Horror being my favorite of them. There were more flaws then previous seasons but it all ended up adding to the 50 year question, Doctor Who?

The Verdict: Series 7 provided a great season(I consider all Doctor Who episodes to be great) with many twists and turns included in mainly The Name of the Doctor, The Angels Take Manhattan, and Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS. 8/10

Speculation for Series 8(including Christmas Special) and the 50th Anniversary special: Although everybody is speculating, and I mean everyone, on the upcoming season and anniversary of the 50 year old TV series, no one is doing it right. Many are just talking about the 12th doctor. But I will speculate about all of it. It's hard to predict Moffet's writing because of his many unexpected endings, but it is not impossible. I predict 10 things for all of the episodes to come meaning Series 8, 50th anniversary, and the 2013 Christmas special:

10. Clara will sleep with the Doctor(Clara may conceive)- The real Doctor's daughter, unless women character.
9. David Tennant will be from the other universe, not the past-I hate to say it but it will only be a shock to Rose.
8. Matt Smith will get hit by a Dalek laser and regenerate- Just like what 10 almost died from.
7. John Hurt's character will redeem himself-Doctor will become 13 instead of 12
6. There will be two parters-Nuff said
5. A big episode is coming- maybe the return of the Master or the Time Lords
4. The Doctor will become darker-The effects of Christmas will change him
3. Clara will die at seasons end- Come on, she has chemistry with this Doctor, but maybe not the next
2. The new Doctor will be black, ginger or a girl-It's been teased by Moffet, plus we need a change
1. The new series will feature old friends-Captain Jack, Mickey and Martha may return

What do you think about my predictions? Comment below and follow me on this blog, Blogbuster411, Bookmark my page for more.

The Film Scientist

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