Saturday, July 13, 2013

Terminator 5, a reboot?

(Not real poster)
The next Terminator film in the franchise may be a reboot. According to many sites on the web it is to start the franchise anew without forgetting the previous films. It is about John Connor's grandparents trying to escape the next terminator in the 1950's. It is rumored that the Rock will play the evil terminator and Arnold would return as the savior terminator of the Connor name. I think the idea is great except for the fact that in the 50's they don't have any great explosive weapons. Of course they'll have a terminator of their own,but that does not give them much options. They should really just kill Connor at infancy,but the robots don't gather that intelligence. Is the world ready for another Terminator though? I don't think we need one particularly because I didn't love Salvation. I love the story where an endless amount of robots are sent back to kill one guy. That is interesting, although it does not add anything new to the series,because for three of the four films they are hunted. Besides we will get another action packed extravaganza. The way they are talking, the studios are planning for more then just one new terminator film for this generation which is exciting. Overall Terminator 5 sounds like a good idea and with the Rock even better, but I'm still waiting for Prehistoric terminator movie.

Do you want a Terminator 5? Comment below and follow me on this blog, Blogbuster411,  Bookmark this page for more movie and TV goodness. Terminator 5 has TBA 2015 release date.

The Film Scientist

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