Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Lone Ranger, box office hit, critical failure?

As reviews begin to trickle in for The Lone Ranger it seems the film may be a critical failure. It currently holds a 21% on RT with over 20 reviews in. I was originally looking forward to the film because of the action and Armie Hammer but now I may not go to see this at all. This has made me think on how many people will go to see this and the answer is a lot. I look at the amount of money it is expected to pull in this weekend, it is set pretty high at 32 million. In America alone (pun intended)  it is to gross 135 million domestically which is really good for a summer film. The film based on critic reviews, is too long. The film is two and a half hours long but Man of Steel got better reviews then that and it is a bit longer. My guess is that the Lone Ranger is too long with less interesting action in the trailers. I will still eventually check this out at Redbox but I now think theater is not the right option.

Are you going to see the Lone Ranger this weekend? Comment below and follow me on this blog, Blogbuster411. The Lone Ranger opens tonight.

The Film Scientist

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