Saturday, July 13, 2013

How Netflix television is successful

The new era of television is starting here. After their first original series last year, Netflix wanted to capitalize on their own television series. They started work and later acquired cancelled comedy Arrested Development. After time passed Netflix finally released five of their television series on their server. Of all of them only two haven't been large hits. Those two are Hemlock Grove(is okay) and Bad Samaritans(is not as entertaining as you think it will be). The other three House of  Cards, Orange is the New Black,and the new season revival of Arrested Development have been mentioned as Emmy contenders for this year and possibly next year as well. How are they successful in this? First, they take their time only releasing 13 to 15 episodes per year for each new series like cables format. They also have time to fix their mistakes with only thirteen episodes. Secondly, they acquire heavyweight talent like the creator of Weeds, Kevin Spacey,and the entire previous cast and crew of Arrested Development. This causes audiences to look at shows more at the talent presented. Third, they release every single episode at once leaving audiences to the decision of binging on it or going to the server every week to watch one episode. The audience's choice is what matters. Even new shows are being prepped and Netflix hopes they can get five to six new shows a year. Next year there will be multiple children's series as well as more adult television the way. As their shows finish coming out for this year, we will eagerly await next year's new and returning shows.

Do you watch these Netflix shows? Comment below and follow me at this blog,  Blogbuster411, All shows in the article are on Netflix currently.

The Film Sicentist

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