Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fury, A tank movie

It has been awhile since the last WW2 movie,but finally we may get another masterpiece with a movie about tanks. From the director,writer,and producer of the 2012 hit End of Watch(great movie) comes a film about a five man tank crew at the end of WW2. The cast includes rising stars Logan Lerman and Michael Pena, Academy award nominee Brad Pitt, and hit and miss actor Shia LaBeof. I am really excited to see Brad Pitt back to WW2 era movies. Looking at it's current release date of November 14, 2014, it is aiming for Oscar season to be nominated for an academy award. There is great young talent in this film with every star,but veterans Brad Pitt and Michael Pena will most likely guide the rookies into greatness. Although the film is not yet in production it has assembled nearly all of it's cast with the exception of the fifth member of the tank crew who's name has yet to be released. As for the idea it sounds like it could be good fun,but my guess it is more of a drama about finding and killing the Nazis on the last legs of WW2 which still sounds great. I am a bit concerned about Shia LaBeof, because none of his films have really clicked with me. He's the only actor on the list I don't trust. David Ayers has directed and or written past films like SWAT(available on Netflix), End of Watch(Netflix),and the first Fast and Furious film. I will most likely be seeing this one at the midnight premiere next year. 

What do you think of Fury? Comment below and follow this awesome blog, Blogbuster411.

The Film Scientist

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