Wednesday, July 3, 2013

(New segment) Top 10 #1: My top ten comedies ever made (The one's that made me laugh the most, besides who doesn't like top ten lists)

Who doesn't love top tens? This is a new top ten segment where every week I take one top ten list that you select and analyze it and go into depth on my choices. This week I'll start with top ten comedies:
10. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy-The film provides Will Ferrell at full throttle.
9. Animal House- College is all about partying, pranks,and getting back your fraternity.
8. Zombieland- First rule of Zombieland: Cardio.
7. Kick-Ass- Action comedies provide hilarity and violence.
6. This is the End-This shows that the end of the world can be funny.
5. Shaun of the Dead- Zombies attack Great Brittan.
4. Monty Python and the Holy Grail- The search for the holy grail is on with really bad knights.
3. Ted- Seth Macfarlane's first feature is funny as hell.
2. The Hangover- What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
1. 21 Jump Street- When two men pose as undercover cops at a high school what could go wrong?

What do you think of my list? Comment below and recommend the next topic. Follow me here, Blogbuster411.

The Film Scientist

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