Thursday, June 27, 2013

World War Z review (Spoilers!)

Last night I went to go see WWZ. Let's see so we begin with Pitt at his suburban home in Pennsylvania. Then his family all gets together to take their children to school. Anyway Pitt never really feels like he is a dad because everything he does with his kids isn't believable. Then there is a zombie attack. Everyone's running chaotically and then Pitt spots a van and takes his family to it. After seeing a man get attacked Pitt figured out that it's 12 seconds to 10 minutes when a person would turn. Later they all drove to Newark, New Jersey to find it also in chaos except it is not as bad as Philadelphia. So Pitt and company raid a store where many people are killing and looting also. After Pitt's employer tells him to get to a extraction point. Pitt then goes to a apartment building and finds a family still indoors. The family invites them to stay the night and in the morning Pitt leaves with his family. When the family doesn't want to go a zombie breaks into the room infecting the family except for their son Thomas. As Gerry(Pitt) moves up the stairs they are chased by zombies. When on the roof Pitt who was saved by Thomas run to the helicopter and hitch the ride all the way to an aircraft carrier. This part of the film would probably be the most thrilling scene. When they get to the crowded aircraft carrier it is stated that Pitt needs to find the beginning and stop this plague. He immediately leaves and goes to many places only to find the next place to look. After crashing a plane headed for military base Pitt, and a soldier he saved in Jerusalem head to W.H.O. a science place and find out that lethal diseases can save you from the zombies. Then it finishes with Pitt and his family finding each other and leaving this movie open for a couple of sequels.

The Verdict:
So the film, was it great? No. Was it good? Yes, even though there was stiff acting throughout the thrills and story kept you on the edge of your seat. Although not as good as I thought it was going to be WWZ deserves a 7/10.

What did you think of WWZ? Comment below and follow me on this Blogbuster website, Blogbuster411.

The Film Scientist

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