Thursday, June 13, 2013

This is the End review!!!!(Spoilers included)

Yesterday I went to one of my most anticipated movies of 2013, This is the End. Yes after seeing the movie I was so surprised on how far they could pull their R rated comedy, but it totally worked. Also I wouldn't recommend this to children at all, teens may be able to handle this just make sure they're mature enough to see the movie. The reason I say this is because This is the End had security just to get into the movie. Okay so on with the review. It begins with a shaky start only giving a few points of laughter and it didn't quite feel like the actors were acting well as themselves but you quickly forget the problems after the first 5 minutes. When the main two actors Seth Rogen and Jay Baruchel arrive at Seth's house to do their favorite things. After less then ten minutes of the movie I'm already laughing so hard I can't breath. This is one of the only movies where I have laughed in the movie theater. The best part when they get to Franco's party is by far Michael Cera who is high on cocaine. He is so messed up. This element that Michael Cera, the good boy actor, is doing this makes it that more hilarious. Especially the bathroom scene. Jay and Seth go to the store because Jay feels uncomfortable. Then the rapture happens and the film begins to become a horror comedy. The world goes crazy in less then 20 seconds, except at Franco's house. When the 9.7 earthquake hits LA then everyone at Franco's runs outside to see the world is ending. The film then kills off iconic celebrities from television and movies. This is the hilarious blood and gore from a horror comedy which is showcased in the trailer. However after this point it will be noted that only a couple of seconds of footage is shown in the trailer which is great and left me very open on what was to happen next. What you get is five friends and later a sixth stuck in a home in the apocalypse. After days stuck at home they run out of water thanks to Danny McBride and Emma Watson. And Danny McBride leaves the house with no weapons. After, the others are forced to get food from another celebrity who is unknown. Once they get it they come home to find a possessed Jonah Hill who is raped by a demon. This is led to the exorcism of Jonah Hill which is hilarious which ultimately leads to Franco's house falling down. A demon blocking Franco's undamaged Prius and Craig Robinson sacrifices himself for the others and is then taken to heaven. After Franco and the others are stopped by Danny McBride and the cannibal gang. As Franco sacrifices himself and gets raptured he is abruptly stopped for being a sore winner. And is eaten by the cannibals. Then only Seth and Jay are left. They hide from the cannibal and then are confronted by the devil who's nude. The Devil tries to pick them up but Jay says his goodbyes and is raptured buying them more time because of the beam. However Seth is not raptured so Jay picks him up. After trying to get him Jay is faced with dropping Seth or dying with him because the beam is failing. The Devil is trying to hit Seth out of the sky without trying to hit the beam. Seth says to let go and let Jay live out his full potential in heaven. As Seth almost hits the Devils mouth he is raptured cutting the Devil's penis off. At this point they are so excited and hold hands as around them you hear Whitney Houston's song " I Will Always Love You". Craig welcomes them both to heaven and they wish for everything they've ever wanted. The movie ends with Jay wishing for the Backstreet Boys reunion and a lengthy final number of their song"Everybody(Backstreet's Back). This movie overall is hilarious and crafted very well, definitely a must buy. 10/10

What did you think of This is the End? Comment Below.

The Film Scientist

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