Thursday, June 6, 2013

Trailer Review # 1 Week of June 3, 2013

Today we have reviews of these trailers:

  • Man of Steel HD Final trailer
  • The Family # 1
  • Runner,Runner # 1
  • The To Do List Red-band # 1/2
  • Insidious Chapter 2 # 1
  • Getaway # 1
  • Paranoia # 1
  • The Hot Flashes # 1
  • And finally Drift # 2
Links to the trailers will be below my reviews.

Man of Steel HD Final  trailer- This trailer was AMAZING!!!! There was not a ton for a nearly 3 hour film but that leaves me wondering what else is in the film. The jaw dropping tone, action and music astounded me beyond belief. Now I'm feeling more excited then ever.

The Family # 1- This film led me to believe it was about a family of killers or assassins but it is a mafia family. Still the film is one of my favorite genres action comedy. It makes me excoited to think of the callibur of acting for ths film and almost everything worked in the trailer.

Runner, Runner # 1- The trailer for Runner, Runner was okay it told the story and showed off it's actors. I thought it would have a different tone but I will probably see it for one reason, Ben Affleck.

The To Do List Red-band # 1/2-These two trailers made me laugh so much. I love Parks and Rec. with Aubrey Plaza so I'm pretty excited for this movie.

Insidious Chapter 2 # 1- I never saw the first film but this doesn't look that promising either. Never really been a fan of horror.

Getaway # 1- This trailer was okay it had few moments that took me but Selena Gomez just happening upon Ethan Hawke's car doesn't make me happy. Neither does the fact that the whole movie is in a car.

Paranoia # 1- This trailer for this movie was okay but it would not be one to see in theaters even though Gary Oldman is in it.

The Hot Flashes # 1- This independent film looks like a total chick movie. I'll probably see it on Netflix.

Drift # 2- The surfer movie looks pretty bad, although the trailer was a little more promising then expected.

Which one of these trailers was your favorite? What did you think? Comment below.

The Film Scientist

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