Friday, June 28, 2013

Roland Emmerich, the man who destroys the White House and the Statue of Liberty in every single movie he makes

In honor of this week's White House Down release I talk Roland Emmerich and Channing Tatum. Now usually Roland Emmerich destroys everything,but what does he show the most, the White House being destroyed. In every disaster and action film he has ever made with the White House and the Statue of Liberty around, he has destroyed them every time.
Independence Day- Aliens destroy New York,and Washington starting at the White House.
Godzilla-Destroys New York and Tokyo.
Day after Tomorrow- Destroys Statue of Liberty and New York.
2012-Giant tsunami after pole shifting floods and destroys White House.
White House Down- The explosion of White House, being taken over and burned.

Why well we don't know,but everyone likes Emmerich's films not expecting them to be good,but you expect them to be action packed. With reviews coming in for White House Down it seems like Emmerich is forgetting back to form with this being his third highest rated film on Rotten Tomatoes only behind Thee Patriot and his baby Independence Day. With Roland's next two films planned(Independence Day 2 and 3) it seems Emmerich may go back with his first sequels. What will he do? Most likely, destroy famous landmarks. And that's hat we love from him, good mindless action movies. I have been a fan of his films for the most part, but trailers for 2012 often made me feel weird about the year approaching. 

Will you be seeing White House Down and Independence Day 2? How do you feel about Emmerich's film making? Comment below and follow me on this blog, Blogbuster411. Go see White House Down this weekend for some mindless fun. Also here's some highlights from Emmerich's disaster movies courtesy of and :

The Film Scientist

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