Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Arrested Development Season 4 Netflix review, also Doctor Who Series 1-6 and 7 part 1 review, The Walking Dead Season 3 review (No Spoilers!)

I recently finished these three shows and would love to share my opinions of them. Let's start with the Netflix semi-original series, Arrested Development. Season 4 was better then I hoped it would be. When I started the shows fourth season it felt like a horrible rendition of the show. But as I went on it began to feel better  then the original. With amazing guest stars, that also felt underused in the beginning, and a great interconnected story made me love this dysfunctional family even more. Netflix you've done it again. 9/10

Doctor Who: Entire Revival series review except series 7 part 2: This show got me addicted right away and continued to capture my imagination. Even though the Doctor changes the show must go on. It scared me, made me laugh, and even cry a few times. Overall Doctor Who fans this series is amazing. 10/10

The Walking Dead Season 3: The Walking Dead seasons 1 and 2 impressed me and held me on the edge of my seat. But this season it was a little bit different, this was a little disappointing. Although I thought the season was great I felt not all of the best decisions were made. During the first 8 I was happy with every decision made,but as for the back 8 I feel some were made a little to quickly or harshly. Despite those disappointments  the season left me guessing and hoping for a Season 4. 8/10

What did you think of these shows? Comment below and follow me on my amazing beautiful blog you are reading right now, Blogbuster411.

The Film Scientist

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