Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Independence Day 2 and 3 and the original (spoilers from original)

Okay so hear it goes. I f-ing love INDEPENDENCE DAY! It's one of my favorite sci-fi films ever made. When I first heard of an Independence Day sequel I didn't necessarily jump for joy. I was confused because where else could they go (Spoiler) because of the destruction of the mothership and other ships. The fact that Roland Emmerich could go back to his best film may help him get more movies. Although don't we all enjoy his films and the destruction that takes place. It was announced yesterday at the White House Down premiere that Will Smith would not return for the sequels. Today it was announced that Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullmun would return for the sequels. The fact they got the original stars to return is great, but they haven't been doing the best stuff. With modern VFX taking over I am going to be interested in the tone these effects will create. If the idea that it is 20 years later and the aliens return what could they possibly do? Destroy everything again? I still, even though not a huge supporter of Emmerich, am super ecstatic for this, it's that time where every film I love is getting a sequel and in the same year 2015, It's a clashing of eras. Also I hope we get another inspirational speech by Thomas Whitmore(It made me cry and get goosebumps form the patriotism), even though it won't be as president.

What do you think of the idea that they are making sequels? Are you looking forward to these films?Comment below and follow me on this blog, Blogbuster411.

The Film Scientist

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