Monday, June 24, 2013

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor and my thoughts on Doctors 9-11

Well since the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who is right around the corner we will soon learn who the new doctor is. I wanted to take a look forward to the future and look back to the of Doctors 9-11. Plus I will predict the change of doctor and who I think should play him.

The revival of Doctor Who that started in 2005 quickly became my second favorite TV drama next to only AMC's The Walking Dead. The show has changed the way I think of time in general. My favorite out of the three revival Doctors would have to be 10 played by David Tennant, I even cried when the The End of Time was starting. Although the end saddened me we were welcomed to Matt Smith's world. I have not yet seen Series 7 part 2 as you will find in a future article. These are my three favorite episodes for each Doctor:

9 portrayed by Christopher Eccleston (2005), Least favorite, but had good moments.
1. The End of the World
2. Dalek
3. The Empty Child/ The Doctor Dances
HM, Father's Day, Bad Wolf/The Parting of Ways,and Rose

10 portrayed by David Tennant (2005-2010, 2013), I loved, favorite Doctor.
1. The End of Time Part 1 and 2
2. Blink
3. The Stolen Earth/ Journey's End
HM's, Planet of the Ood, Midnight,and Utopia/ Sound of the Drums/ Last of the Time Lords

11 portrayed by Matt Smith (2010-2013), I love and it's going to be sad to see him go.
1.The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang
2.The Impossible Astronaut/ Day of the Moon
3. The Wedding of Riversong
HM's, Vincent and the Doctor, The Girl Who Waited,and A Good Man Goes to War/ Let's Kill Hitler

The regeneration brings up the question who will play the 12th Doctor, i have a few guesses:
1. Idris Elba- Great actor, emotional in work.
2. Rory Kinnear- Has that look and quirkiness in him.
3. (Not logical) Hugh Laurie- A house esque Doctor could be cool to see a mixture of seriousness and comedy like from past Doctors.

What do you think of these choices and Doctor Who in general? Comment below and follow my blog you are currently Blogbuster411.

The Film Scientist

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