Sunday, June 23, 2013

My thoughts on remakes, reboots, sequels, and prequels also my theory on their order

It feels like most movies are reboots, sequels, prequels, and remakes but really that's only a fraction of the amount of movie that come out in the year. Here are my thoughts on sequels first: I personally love sequels! On the other hand I hate the second installment almost every time. They can introduce more characters or you can see an extended epilogue after what happened in the first film.
My thoughts on prequels: Prequels are okay, they can be hit or miss, but really I don't want full origins(start with origins in first film)but I want continuity to the first film.
My thoughts on reboots: Rebooting is not a terrible idea, but if you do it just make sure this does not suck as much as it's predecessor.
My thoughts on remakes: I think remakes or are also hit or miss. A film can't be rebooted after ten years that's too short, reboot older stories from the 50's or 60's.

The order: In my opinion this is the order where most franchises go,
1st film- Amazing! I would(n't) love to see a sequel.
2nd film- It was okay and I can live without it or absolutely terrible.
3rd film- Back to form or still pretty bad.
4th film- There we go one as good as he original.
5th film- Ohhh shit not again
6th film- Most likely will never exist again

What do you think of my thoughts? What are your thoughts on reboots, sequels, prequels, and remakes?
Comment below and follow me.

The Film Scientist

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