Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How Avatar (Not the Last Airbender) Changed My Life

As the title would suggest the 2009 film Avatar changed my life. And you may ask, how, it's just a movie? Well I'm here to tell you Avatar is not just a movie. It is a masterpiece and it's one of the view films I can still fully recollect my time in the movie theater. When I first saw the film it was not because I originally wanted to see it or because of the beautiful TV spots they kept showing on every channel I flipped to on my 44" TV but it was by a random choice. Let me set the stage, it is in late 2009 to early 2010 when the film was the most popular. I was with my family and they said let's go see a movie. I was like OK I have nothing better to do and I like movies. When we get to the movie theater I saw many people there, all in line to see one movie. My family couldn't agree on what to see so we split up. My sister and mom went to see a Rom-com or animated film but my dad and I gave our money  to the box office and bought tickets to Avatar, the sci-fi epic, Oscar nominated blockbuster.(not in 3D though but if it ever again is re-released I will watch it in 3D) This was one of my first times to the movies in a while so I had seen many bad films come and go, but no not this one, this film was special. When we reached the theater it was nearly full, with our two golden seats open.The opening scenes shocked me like a person who had just seen Star Wars in theaters. The flight of a creature in a dream of not an alien but of a man. The visuals never seen before by man, got more ooo's and aww's from the audience. It was like my dad and I were immersed in the world. No appearance of the theater until the end of the movie. I forgot I was even in a movie theater and I didn't even go to the bathroom for fear of missing something good. After the story and film were over my dad and I awestrucked by what we had just seen walked out of the theater jaws dropped. The film made us laugh, cry(well almost),and also knocked our socks off with the amazing plot surprises,score,and visuals. We went over to the rest of our family. They said it's about time and we just looked at them. How long was it , I asked. Almost three hours retorted my sister then I burst into how good the film was and how they had to see it.(They wouldn't for another couple years though) That was when I realized how film and I were connected. Although it has been nearly four years since my first viewing that film made me decide to get involved more with movies. It inspired me to write and follow movie and television news. That film still remains number 3 on my list of all time favorite films, but it will forever be the number one film that changed my life. 10/10

What did you guys think of Avatar? Did it change your life? What film changed your life? Comment below.

The Film Scientist

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