Friday, June 7, 2013

Movie News # 4 June 7, 2013

Today we discuss:

  • Mel Gibson in Expendables 3 as the villain
  • Adam Scott, Chevy Chase and Gillian Jacobs in Hot Tub Time Machine 2
  • Two more Butler posters
  • The Birdman
  • Aaron Taylor Johnson(Kick-Ass) as Quicksilver in Avengers 2
  • The Dallas Buyers Club gets release date, McConaughey may get his Oscar nod.
  • Leonardo DiCaprio gets role in Rasputin 
Mel Gibson is rumored to have gotten the villain role in Expendables 3. This news is awesome because I love Mel Gibson in We were Soldiers and Braveheart. I can see him in an even darker role then his typical hero.

Adam Scott,Chevy Chase, and Gillian Jacobs are added to Hot Tub 2, I love Community and Parks and Rec.!Although I missed the first film I hope to see it before the second ones release.

Two More Butler posters have surfaced for the Forrest Whitaker epic:
These two posters show off the cast and historical significance of the film. I have seen the film and I am impressed by the cast but also the story. I hope this is a good movie.

Images from the Michael Keaton film The Birdman have surfaced on the web:

The comedy is about a old actor who played an iconic superhero. He must ditch the costume and get used to
normal life. The idea and cast for this film is amazing and I hope to see it in theaters.

That's right Aaron Taylor Johnson (Kick-Ass) will play Quicksilver in the next Avengers film. Although scheduling conflicts face him it is unknown whether he will do the film yet.We do not have casting for Scarlet Witch yet but there are rumors that Saoirse Ronan(The Host) will portray the role. As I've said before Kick-Ass is great, for Johnson this may give him the push he needs to get new roles in movies.

Dallas Buyers Club gets a December 6 release date. This may finally give McConaughey the credit he deserves for his Oscar like performances.

Leonardo DiCaprio gets lead in film, Rasputin, about an adviser to a Russian film before he is killed. Most of Leonardo DiCaprio's films give me chills because he's a great actor. Hopefully he will get an Oscar win for a film finally.

What do you think about today's news? Comment below.
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The Film Scientist

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