Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Under the Dome series premiere review

The premiere of CBS's Stephen King miniseries Under the Dome began last night and let's just say it keeps you guessing. This show was very frustrating. Although the amount of violence on network television I was surprised to see, but also glad it had the Stephen King like approach, slow and mysterious. The story and deaths were really cool, but what really kept me guessing was why anyone who thought about how to destroy the dome went into shock. The cast was very good for a miniseries. Although I found some characters unbelievable. It was surprising how they believed each other. Just for shorts, Chester Mill must now live quarantined with little supplies and no way out. It has potential. 7.5/10

The Verdict: A good miniseries that is violent,and mysterious, but the acting was below par even thought hey had a good cast.

What did you think? Did you see it? Comment below and follow me on the blog you are currently scrutinizing, Blogbuster411.

The Film Scientist

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