Monday, June 24, 2013

Man of Steel (Spoilers!) Review and Discussion

So last week I got to a free screening of Man of Steel. This movie was great, it was action packed and did not get too boring in the flashbacks. Okay so the film starts with Jor-El's struggle to save his son and his planet. His planet is beginning to implode and the government will not take back what they've done. Zod then takes over and kicks ass. Jor-El runs and flies back home after getting a skull from the chamber of unnatural births. Before the planet implodes Jor-El is caught and sends away his son, but then is caught and killed by Zod. Jor-El's wife then watches him get taken away and soon after they send him to the Phantom Zone, the space prison. Soon Krypton implodes and everyone on Krypton is dead. It then skips to Clark now an adult saving a group of people on a rig in the ocean. Then when Clark becomes unconscious from falling off the oil rig he has flashbacks to his childhood and his superhuman abilities. His father Jonathan "Pa" Kent reveals to his son he is an alien and just wants to protect him. Years later Jonathan dies saving his dog and family from a tornado. Clark let's him die when he is waved off. As this unfolds Clark spends many years moving around trying to find the right place when one day he finds a spaceship. Jor-El, a hologram programmed in the ship haunts Clark. Breaking that horror Lois Lane is attacked by a drone on patrol. This drone badly injures her. On activating the ship Zod who got out of the Phantom Zone when Krypton exploded tracks the signal to earth. Clark then flies the ship away placing Lois Lane and her repaired limbs not far off from the military ground she was staying in. He then starts to communicate with the Jor-El conscious hologram. Zod then comes to earth and asks for (Clark) Kal-El or he will destroy earth. Clark then decides he wants to help the human race by giving himself up for earth and humanity. Then taking both Superman and Lois Lane onto his ship, Zod tells them of his plan to destroy and terraform the world where humans are now occupied. Superman powerless because he is not used to the Krypton air is hopeless. Then Lois Lane with the logo for Superman, meaning Hope, finds a slot and the hologram once again appears that helps her and Superman escape. They then destroy a small town trying to imprison Zod and Faora who havethe same abilities as him. He delays them but they escape. As the terraforming process begins millions Metropolis citizens die, Superman takes the one at the Indian Ocean epically destroying it. These scenes really impressed me emotionally and visually. The military takes the other one and Christopher Meloni's(made me sad,but not as sad as when Coulson died) character drives a plane with the weapon to start a black hole, to send the aliens into the Phantom Zone once again. One final battle commences between Zod and Superman, ending with Zod threatening civilians and Superman murders him by savagely snapping his neck. After many days or maybe weeks he throws down satellites because he doesn't want them to know where he is. It ends with Clark getting a job at the Daily Planet where only Lois knows who he is.

Best actors: Henry Cavill, Christopher Meloni Worst actors: Amy Addams

Verdict: The action seems although very epic are very shaky. The story was great and is obviously the best Superman film ever made. 8.5/10

Did you like Man of Steel? Comment below and follow me.

The Film Scientist

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