Monday, June 24, 2013

Prince Avalanche, The Lego Movie, Jobs, The Wolf on Wall Street, Frozen, Free Birds, Anchorman 2 TRAILERS and first impressions

Movie trailers show us a sneak peek into worlds we may be visiting in theaters, here are a few from this week:

Prince Avalanche- This trailer was funny and did not include the full plot, so don't watch any other trailers that might give it away.

The Lego Movie- Hilarious trailer, it showed everything made of Lego's. The voice talent makes me excited and also we could see more of an adult animated movie. Not like South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut, but like little nods to the adult audience with rude humor not used in Disney and Pixar movies. These are the creators behind 21 Jump Street, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and Robot Chicken episodes.

Jobs- A good looking biopic, but Ashton Kutcher doesn't sound good as Steve Jobs.

The Wolf of Wall Street- A great trailer, that I wasn't expecting to be any good, but DiCaprio and McConaughey are great in the movie trailer so... I'll end up seeing this one.

Frozen- With this, it feels like 2010's Tangled which I liked, but I hate rehashes. Although it had good moments.

Free Birds- Turkeys time travel, I'm in. Kinda. Not really, I'll rent it most likely.

Anchorman 2- Burgundy's back baby and he's more sexually and racially idiotic then ever. I loved this trailer, Will Ferrell hats off to you. Say Whattttt!!!

Best Trailer-Anchorman 2 and a tie for first The Lego Movie

Which ones did you like? Comment below and follow my blog that you are currently reading Blogbuster411.

The Film Sicentist

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