Wednesday, June 5, 2013

5 Movies or Film Franchises that Deserve Sequels

There are some movies that really deserve sequels, but don't get them. Here is my list of films that should get one:

5. The Incredibles- They left this fully open for more then one sequel but have not moved too far forward with the project.

4. No Country For Old Men-With Javier Bardem on the run, you wonder does he escape or in the sequel should Tommy Lee Jones chase him like he chased Josh Brolin.

3. Terminator: Salvation- This fourth installment to the Terminator franchise lacked the originality and feel of the other films. It was not a fit end to the franchise.

2. Oceans 13- If Bernie Mac was still alive I would love to see an Oceans 14,15,16 and on .but I would miss Bernie Mac's character.

1. A Good Day Top Die Hard- This was not the end. It didn't pass the torch to Jai Courtney well, they need to do a few more and capture what 1,3,and 4 had.

What do you think of my list? What movie do you think there should be sequels for? Comment below

Film Scientist

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