Saturday, August 24, 2013

Top 10 films of 2013 so far (in my opinion)

After last night's viewing of The World's End, I have decided to compile my top 10 movies so far of 2013. It is half way through the year and almost Oscar season so here it is:

HM RED 2- RED 2 was better then the first but not the best movie of the year.

10. (tie) Olympus has Fallen/ The Hangover Part III/ Warm Bodies- Now I may have a three way tie between these three but believe it or not I enjoyed myself during every one of them.

9. World War Z- Silly, smart, and a film trying to be horrifying.

8. Monsters University- The best Pixar entry since Toy Story 3.

7. The Last Stand- Another guilty pleasure. Whether it is Arnold on the big screen or just the sheer violence, I really liked it.

6. Pacific Rim- Destruction! 12 year old me just fainted.

5. Iron Man 3- Not the best Iron Man but not the worst either.

4. This is the End- Honestly I laughed harder here then in The World's End.

3.Man of Steel-A fitting Superman film.

2. The World's End- The funniest movie of the summer, but not as laughable as This is the End. It still provides an interesting look at the human race.

1. Star Trek Into Darkness- I'm not a Trekkie so I loved this film. Saw it twice!

Which are your favorite films(so far) for 2013? Comment below and follow me on this blog, Bloguster411, Bookmark my page for more daily goodness.

The Film Sceintist

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