Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Throwback Tuesday: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Review

A classic Western that delivers perfectly and falls very short of a masterpiece. One of the better spaghetti westerns out there The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is about three selfish men fighting for a giant piece of a prize. If only they can find the exact location. They each know something to locate this grave, and without help it is unknown where it is. This is genius! This created great conflict between the characters which is always great. Eastwood's signature role provides both entertainment and a little bit of smartness to the film. The film may start off slow, but it quickly begins to speed up and doesn't stop until ten minutes before the end of the film where you will experience the longest and most well scored film gunfight. Another element in which the film was the score. The music is classic. Performances are also key and the movie certainly delivered with all three main cast members succeeding in that. Although there are a few flaws in the pacing and predictability it still manages to be a great piece in cinema that redefined the western genre.

The Verdict: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly may be paced a little slow, it still is entertaining, action packed, and well scored. Marked by the performances of Eastwood, Wallach and Van Cleef it is a masterpiece in American cinema. 9/10
+The end gunfight!
+/- A little predictable
-Pacing was off in the beginning
+Music is well scored
+The directing and writing were very well done.
+Tense atmosphere with Civil War background
+Entertaining and funny
+The action is great.
+The plot is intriguing.

What do you think of this classic film? Comment below and follow me on this blog, Blogbuster411, http://blogbuster411.blogspot.com/. Bookmark my page for more daily goodness. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is available on Amazon Prime for free! It is also available on Blu ray and DVD. Check it out today! Next week I'm reviewing One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest for Throwback Tuesday.

The Film Scientist

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