Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Welcome to the Family Pilot Review

The NBC comedy season starts off with an adequate comedy good enough for it's network. I liked The New Normal last year unfortunately to boycotts it was cancelled, this show seems like it's trying to copy the dysfunctional unique family dynamic. Although it does have a great concept they can build on and a star to attract people(Mike O' Malley) the show still struggles to preform strongly. It was very weakly written. Unlike ABC's fall comedies it wasn't laugh out loud, which I love when looking for comedies. I won't be checking in as regularly for this series but maybe watch the second episode just to see where it goes.

The Verdict: Despite it's potential,Welcome to the Family falls way short of all of ABC's comedies. 5/10
+Mike O'Malley
+Plot potential
-Not a great pilot
-Not laugh out loud
+/-It's funny and then it's not

Are you going to watch this? Comment below and follow me on my blog, Blogbuster411, http://blogbuster411.blogspot.com/. Bookmark me for more daily stuff. Welcome to the Family premieres October 3 on NBC.

The Film Scientist

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