Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ironside Pilot Review

My expectations were originally high, but after hearing some negative things about it I lowered it to my mid expectation list. It met my new expectations easily. It was edgy and violent while it also provided an interesting twist at the end that I didn't see coming. The idea is a remake is brought around a different darker way which works in the setting of the modern world. It was well acted and at times emotionally powerful, because of the characters ability to make these complex emotions of something that didn't really happen. Overall a great show on the cusp of excellence.

The Verdict: Although slow at time Ironside is carried by Blair Underwood's performance and an interesting story. An almost definite appointment watch. 8/10
+Blair Underwood
+Mind games/emotions
+Dark humor
-Slow pacing

Are you going to watch this show? Comment below and follow me on this blog, Blogbuster411, http://blogbuster411.blogspot.com/. Bookmark my page for more. Ironside premieres October 2 on NBC.

The Film Scientist

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