Monday, September 2, 2013

Top 50 Doctor Who episodes for the 50th Anniversary

Happy 50th anniversary everyone, well close enough and to celebrate I'm going to countdown my top 50 episodes! Since I just began to binge watch the classic series I will not have as many, if any of those episodes or story arcs. The movie could be included. I have seen every episode of the revived series.
50. Rose
49. An Unearthly Child
48. The End of the World
47. The Asylum of the Daleks
46. Dalek
45. Gridlock
44. The Runaway Bride
43. Partners in Crime
42. Closing Time
41. The Fires of Pompeii
40. The Doctor's Daughter
39. Fear Her
38. School Reunion
37. The Satan Pit
36. Father's Day
35. The Planet of the Ood
34. The Parting of Ways
33. The Girl in the Fireplace
32. The Unicorn and the Wasp
31. The Lodger
30. The Shakespeare Code
29. Flesh and Stone
28. A Christmas Carol
27. The Lodger
26. The Angels Take Manhattan
25. The Doctor's Wife
24. Amy's Choice
23. The Name of the Doctor
22. Utopia
21. The Last of the Time Lords
20. The Girl Who Waited
19. The Empty Child
18. Doomsday
17. Journey's End
16. Midnight
15. Turn Left
14. Forest of the Dead
13. Day of the Moon
12. Silence in the Library
11. The End of Time Part 1
10. The Impossible Astronaut
9. The Big Bang
8. The Pandorica Opens
7. Vincent and the Doctor
6. The Eleventh Hour
5. Let's Kill Hitler
4. A Good Man goes to War
3. The Wedding of River Song
2. The End of Time Part 2
And 1. Blink

What is your favorite Doctor Who episode or story arc? I really want to know your feedback. Comment below and follow me on this blog, Blogbuster411, Bookmark me for more. The 50th anniversary special is scheduled for November 23rd of this year. This is on the exact date it previously aired in 1963.

The Film Scientist

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