Saturday, December 7, 2013

Attention! Notice: I am moving to!

Dear Readers,

I am moving to a new website, I am excited for the new domain and hopefully you will be too.

The Film Scientist

Sunday, October 27, 2013

It's been awhile...

Dear loyal and faithful users,
I have decided to finally make a podcast with a few of my friends. Whether or not this gets done sooner or later will be based on the cost and schedules.

Sincerely, The Film Scientist

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Neighbors Season 2 Season premiere "Family Conference" Review

I know this show was absolutely terrible when it started last year, but for some reason the first two episodes provided at least one fresh laugh that made me come back for more. And I'm glad I did I was as shocked as most of you were when it got a second season but I was glad and now here comes season 2. I noticed during the premiere the writing was way better then the first season and now I laugh openly at the hilarious families living next door. They make remarks about TV and it breaks the 4th wall. I understand iit was a little cheesy but this episode not only held laughs but also a little bit of heart. I beg you please tune in next week or watch the previous episodes on Hulu. The potential has been reached.

The Verdict: More Funny then ever. Original and a great premiere.10/10
+Breaking the 4th Wall
+Amber and Reggie
+Jerry Springer
+The actual Conference
+Funny as Hell
+Better Writing
+Emmy Nominated
+Sticking with the show payed off
Will you tune in next week? What do you think of the show? Comment below and follow me on this blog, Blogbuster411, Bookmark my page for more. The Neighbors is on every Friday at 8:30 EST. Or watch the premiere and entire first season on Hulu now. Please, give it a chance.

The Film Scientist

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ironside Pilot Review

My expectations were originally high, but after hearing some negative things about it I lowered it to my mid expectation list. It met my new expectations easily. It was edgy and violent while it also provided an interesting twist at the end that I didn't see coming. The idea is a remake is brought around a different darker way which works in the setting of the modern world. It was well acted and at times emotionally powerful, because of the characters ability to make these complex emotions of something that didn't really happen. Overall a great show on the cusp of excellence.

The Verdict: Although slow at time Ironside is carried by Blair Underwood's performance and an interesting story. An almost definite appointment watch. 8/10
+Blair Underwood
+Mind games/emotions
+Dark humor
-Slow pacing

Are you going to watch this show? Comment below and follow me on this blog, Blogbuster411, Bookmark my page for more. Ironside premieres October 2 on NBC.

The Film Scientist

Welcome to the Family Pilot Review

The NBC comedy season starts off with an adequate comedy good enough for it's network. I liked The New Normal last year unfortunately to boycotts it was cancelled, this show seems like it's trying to copy the dysfunctional unique family dynamic. Although it does have a great concept they can build on and a star to attract people(Mike O' Malley) the show still struggles to preform strongly. It was very weakly written. Unlike ABC's fall comedies it wasn't laugh out loud, which I love when looking for comedies. I won't be checking in as regularly for this series but maybe watch the second episode just to see where it goes.

The Verdict: Despite it's potential,Welcome to the Family falls way short of all of ABC's comedies. 5/10
+Mike O'Malley
+Plot potential
-Not a great pilot
-Not laugh out loud
+/-It's funny and then it's not

Are you going to watch this? Comment below and follow me on my blog, Blogbuster411, Bookmark me for more daily stuff. Welcome to the Family premieres October 3 on NBC.

The Film Scientist

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Trophy Wife, Pilot Review

At first when I heard about this in January, I thought it would be the next Malibu Country, but then the trailer hit and it won me over. But did the pilot live up to the trailer's high standards? It's not often that a pilot wins me over in the first two minutes, but this one did. This is one of the best pilots I have ever seen. My hope were high after the trailer, and it somehow exceeded them making myself laugh out loud, a lot. Like the Goldbergs it didn't ruin lots of it's laughs in the trailer, but it added to them. The chaos cause was perfectly handled by the director and co-writers. This could be the new Modern Family.

The Verdict: A definite appointment viewing show that I will even go as far as to watch the pilot again in two weeks. Great job ABC! 9.5/10
+Malin Akerman's and Bradley Whitford's chemistry
+All likable characters
+Equally spread character time
+The kids
-The only flaw I see is it seems a little short,but it really isn't

Are you going to tune in for the pilot? Comment below and follow me on this blog, Blogbuster411, Bookmark my page for more. Trophy Wife will premiere on September 24 on ABC. Watch it!

The Film Scientist

Back in the Game, Pilot Review

I am a sucker for baseball! But this still won't make appointment viewing like The Goldbergs. A few jokes hit the spot and make me laugh out loud but others just make you go wow, that is just terrible. Maggie Lawson is the prevailing actress in the show and proves to be both attractive and funny. Caan feels like a nuisance that may become a great role. I admit I had my doubts with the show and I still do, but it still provides laughs.

The Verdict: Maggie Lawson is funny and attractive in the main role, but there are a lot of kinks that won't make me a regular viewer. 6.5/10
+Maggie Lawson
+/-James Caan
+The misfit team
+/-Not great plot, but I love baseball

Are you going to watch this pilot? Comment below and follow me on this blog, Blogbuster411, Bookmark my page for more. Back in the Game premieres on September 25 on ABC.

The Film Scientist